Should I use a buyer's agent when purchasing new construction?
Even when purchasing new construction, you may want to consider using a buyer's agent for a few reasons:
It isn't always cheaper! Ask the builder if you would save money by not using a buyer's agent. Often times, the builder will not discount the home just because you do not have a buyer's agent. The builder may just pocket the buying and selling commissions for themselves. But, every situation is unique so, be sure ask the question!
A buyer's agent represents the buyer! A buyer's agent's job is to represent the buyer in the transaction. This mean's a good buyer's agent will help you to find the best new construction deal in the market in which you are searching. The buyer's agent can sell many different homes so, they are familiar and friends with the various builder agents (you've guessed it, they often times represent only their specific builder) and their incentives as well as the resale market.
A buyer's agent should go and take pictures of the property as it is being built and can meet with the builder's agent to check on the progress of your new home. A buyer's agent will be familiar with not only the builder agent, but also what is and is not acceptable as the home is being constructed. This is really helpful especially if you are an out of town buyer.
A buyer's agent can give you a list of recommended inspectors. The choice is always yours, but you may want to have an inspection done on a new build because, sometimes mistakes are made and are not always caught during the build process.
A buyer's agent does not just want your one sale. The buyer's agent wants to have a long term relationship with you and to help you to re-list your home when it is time to sell!
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